Welcome to my website!

This is where our journey begins. Get to know me and what i do, and how committed I am to quality and great service. I'm glad you're here to be a part of my story, As a dynamic individual Working full time as the Director Of Food Services by day and as a college senior at Oregon State University mastering Business Information Systems and orchestrating a bustling household and a formidable canine companion by night. With a fervent passion for the synergy of computers and art, I'm driven by a commitment to both personal growth and fostering sustainable practices to combat climate change.

Project 1 "Culture Jam"

Artist Statement

My choice to focus on Tesla emerges from the trend of the Electric Vehicle craze, which promises a reduction in our reliance on fossil fuels. However, beneath the surface, Tesla's narrative is marred by environmental and humanitarian concerns. The procurement of materials, particularly for battery production, presents a significant ecological challenge. For every ton of lithium mined, an alarming 15 tons of CO2 are emitted into our atmosphere. Moreover, the extraction of 60% of global cobalt occurs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the exploitation of child labor in mining operations is rampant. The processes involved in mining lithium, cobalt, and nickel demand vast quantities of water and chemicals, leading to the accumulation of toxic waste.

Project 2 "Remix"

Artist Statement

Embark on an odyssey through the cosmic tapestry of "Earth's Kaleidoscope of Change," where the celestial vantage point unveils breathtaking panoramas of our planet, adorned with mesmerizing landscapes that weave tales of both splendor and turmoil. Behold the tempestuous symphony of nature's fury as it unfolds before our eyes. Witness the harrowing consequences wrought by the relentless march of climate change: torrents of flooding waters engulfing once-pristine shores, infernos blazing across vast expanses, and rivers morphing into untamed behemoths, carving scars upon the land. Through this kaleidoscopic lens, the profound impact of human activity on the delicate balance of our world becomes starkly evident, urging us to confront the urgent imperative of stewardship and preservation of Nature.

Project 3 "Zine"

Project 3 “Zine”

Artist Statement

I decided to extend the theme of climate change from Project 2, delving deeper into this critical issue. Drawing inspiration from the evocative lexicon of The Book of Obscure Sorrows, I wove a tapestry of words and definitions to vividly depict the stark and often grim consequences of climate change, alongside the profound impact of human actions on our delicate ecosystem. Through this project, I tried illuminating the intricate and frequently painful relationship between humanity and the environment, showcasing the sorrow and urgency that undermind our current ecological crisis.